Sunday, August 21, 2011

IBS: Daily Devos

Mark 8:37—
For what can a man give in return for his soul?

What are you willing to exchange for life? What are you willing to lie down?
Am I willing to lie down my own desires for what the Lord has planned for me? Can I honestly say I have laid down my life for Him? I want to be able to lay in bed at night and before I fall asleep reflect back on the day and honestly say, I laid down my desires for His. I denied my flesh so that Jesus could hold my soul.

What are you willing to give up to spend time with Jesus? I have been struggling with this lately. Here at the ranch, bedtime is 11:00, we’re in bed with the lights out by then. Since I’ve been here, the Lord has impressed it upon my heart to wake up at 5:30 to begin my day with personal quiet time. It’s easy for me to wake up and read my Bible at 6:30, but 5:30…that’s a different story. It’s extremely cold in the morning, and it’s still a bit dark out. Sometimes I sleep very restlessly and crave a few extra hours in the morning. A couple days a week we have chapel or Bible study at night, so it’s ok if I don’t spend as much time with my daily devotionals…this list of excuses goes on and on. The point is, I need to be willing to give up an extra hour and a half of sleep to spend time in the quiet with my Jesus.

Written: 8/18/11

Here are some other interns thoughts on this verse that really struck me, I would encourage you to take a look, I promise it wont be a waste of your time.

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