Friday, September 23, 2011

IBS: Saved Soul, But Wasted Life?

Isaiah 55:6—
Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon him while he is near

The first thing that came to mind after reading this verse was what I learned at Freshlife Church yesterday. We studied Joshua 11. Verse 20 says “For it was the Lords doing to harden their hearts…” Pastor Levi talked about how the Lord seeks us out, He desires us to love Him, but He won’t wait forever. After forty years of seeking this people group the Lord finally hardened their hearts and stopped seeking them out.
If you put off making a decision, time will make it for you. You can get so good at saying “No” to God that you’ll come to a point where you wont be able to say “Yes.” A hardened heart will eventually get stuck.
Jesus is seeking you! Don’t waste that opportunity!
For me, I sought the Lord and found that He had been patiently waiting for me. I was overwhelmed with His love for me. Just because I am a follower of Christ now doesn’t mean I get to sit back and relax and enjoy the ride until I get to heaven. We are not called to be Christians just to have Fire Insurance. We are not called to be Saved Souls, but Wasted Life. Yes Jesus is inside of my heart and a part of my life, but He is still seeking me, seeking my life. He is near to me and I need to call upon Him and continually draw near to Him, especially now. I need to continually seek the Lord. It is easy to say, I have found Jesus therefore I don’t need to continue to seek. I need to seek Jesus daily because He always has new things for me.

Written: 9/19/11

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