Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Anyone Want a Hat?

I'm going to be crocheting and selling hats :)

And setting donation cans around town...

It's a start at least.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A New Ambition :D

I had the pleasure of talking to a dear friend for a while tonight, and was deeply blessed and encouraged. I told him how I have always struggled with taking time to stop and pray, and devote my thoughts to God, and he said that the spiritual battle for our hearts can only be fought on our knees. I had never quite thought of it like that before, but it is so true. If we aren't on our knees the Lord has to work twice as hard to hold our hearts while the enemy can relax a little, knowing we are susceptible to failure. He told me that memorizing scripture is a wonderful tool for the battle, which reminded me that a while ago my best friend and I tried to devote ourselves to reading and memorizing the book of Philippians and it went really well. I had Philippians 1-6 down, but that's as far as I got. Eventually we stopped checking in with each other and practicing together, and now I don't remember any of it. I decided that I needed to get back to memorizing, and that I wanted to memorize scripture so that I would know how to answer questions from people if they have any for me. Wes suggested to me to begin with John 1 because that is a heavy book for evangelizing, so that is where I am going to begin. I'm telling you all this because I think it will help me stay motivated and on track, so feel free to at anytime, in person or via blog comments, ask me how it's coming along. I am considering this as a part of my missions trip, a personal preparation. So I would appreciate your support in this aspect as well as every other aspect of the trip. :D I Hope everyone is having a blessed week, and thank-you for reading!  

P.S. Speaking of John 1, I would like to share my favorite Bible verse with everyone! John 1:23~I am just the voice of One calling out in the wilderness,'make straight the way of the Lord,' as the profit Isaiah said. I love this verse because it is John the baptist telling the people he is no one but a voice of the Lord. It is a good reminder that as a Christian, I need to be a bold voice of the Lord. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Story (following, following, following…)

The next chapter of my life begins now. I want everybody to be a part of it.
The original idea for this blog was to keep my family and friends updated over the course of this next part of my life.
 I will be spending four months at Potters Field Ranch in Montana going through their intensive mission training program, and after that spend two months in the thick of the mission field. I will be in Africa, South East Asia, or Central America

             For the past seventeen years I have had a few ideas of what I wanted to do with my life, but as many plans of futures go, they all fizzled out. I graduated high school and moved onto the local junior college (something I said I would never do) and had really begun to worry about what was in store for my life. I had no plans, no goals, nothing that seemed to hold my interest. Finally I decided to attend Calvary Chapel Bible College; although I wasn’t stoked on the idea of going to more school I figured it would be a good place to be while I was waiting for the Lord to show me what he wanted for my life. I also figured it would open up an opportunity to experience the mission field, which had always been a backburner daydream for me. When Michael and Pam came to Metro I was expecting nothing more than a good message and some awesome art, the same show I had seen twice before. I met Michael briefly beforehand, he shook my hand and said to me “Potters Field Ranch.” I asked him what that was but we were interrupted and both pulled separate directions. I expected to learn more about the ranch over the course of the message, but neither he nor Pam mentioned it. I knew the Lord wanted me to speak to them, find out what the ranch was, but I am uncomfortable talking to strangers, and I never approach people first…the Lord wouldn’t put me in that situation…but every time I tried to leave it’s like he was whispering in my ear…”Turn around. Follow me. Trust me. Follow me.” So finally I ran up to Pam and I barely got any words out before I broke down in tears. She hugged me and took my hand and told me all about the ranch, it sounded perfect. She then directed me to Michael who immediately took my hand and welcomed me to their school and offered me a two-month scholarship. I instantly felt loved by both him and his wife, and the more I thought about it the more I felt the Lord saying, “Get excited. Follow me. This is your future. Follow me.” So, here I am. Blindly following.